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Got Deet ? LbNA #24742

Plant date:Aug 14, 2006
City:South Lake Tahoe
County:El Dorado
Planted by:PenGwen Contact Inactive
Found by: NeighborsIII (5)
Last found:Jun 1, 2024
Last edited:Aug 14, 2006


1 mile RT, no potties, dog friendly, off road strollers ok, fairly flat trail

Having spent a few days in the Fallen Leaf Lake area, and meeting up with artTrekker again and enjoying her beautiful letterboxes and her company, we thought that she deserved a challenge.
Now those that have seen artTrekker’s logbook will know that it is truly a work of art. She is so talented that she takes everyone’s stamp image that she has found and turns the logbook into beautiful drawings and sketches all around the stamp image. Well the hideous images in this series should certainly test her creativity.
Now only two of these creatures live in the area, but no matter where you might travel you will have the opportunity to get bit by one or more of the rest of them where ever you letterbox.

The start for this series is just a short distance from Fallen Leaf Lake, so you can either hike from the campground or turn left onto Hwy 89 from Fallen Leaf Lake road and drive ½ mile to Cathedral road, not marked as such, but it is a road that has a snow-park marking. (Heck it is the only road that is ½ mile away from the F.L.L. road). Drive up past the snow-park and F.S. pipe gate and park in a wide area ½ mile up the road. This is the trailhead area that has a rail fence and 6 or 7 cars can find parking. The trail will start at the opening of the three-rung rail fence.

Now we have had several letterboxers find this series, but in June 2009 Amanda and Lea had some difficulty finding the start of this series and provided the following suggestions.

"Driving north on Hwy 89, pass Fallen Leaf Lake Road, cross the bridge over Taylor Creek and turn left into the snow park. Bear right (passing parking lots) and continue through the pipe gate. You are now on Cathedral Road. Continue up the road and park in a wide area ½ mile up the road. This is the trailhead area that has a rail fence and 6 or 7 cars can find parking. The trail will start at the opening of the three-rung rail fence."


#1 Flea

Doggies lament.

Once you park look around and locate a huge prone giant. If you parked facing the three-rung rail fence near the opening for the trail it will be behind and possibly to the right of your car. Walk up to the highest end of the giant and you should see a large rock with a wide split. Standing at the stump end of the giant start taking 52 steps at 255 degrees to a white and gray-fissured rock next to a foot high stump. The letterbox is hidden under movable rocks on the NW side of this rock.

#2 Meat Bee (Hornet)

Don’t you just hate it when they dive into your soda can?

Cross back over the road and head up the Taylor Creek trail always keeping the creek on your left. When your path is blocked by a large rock, retrace 15 of your steps to a side trail now on your left. Note the rock jumble slightly to your right. Now walk up this trail a few steps until you are standing on the trail but about ½ way between the large cedar and large pine trees behind the rock jumble. From this spot on the trail take 11 steps at 215 degrees to an old cedar tree but one that has low new growth. The letterbox is hidden under pieces of bark and wood on the trailside of this tree.

#3 Tick

These little guys just drive me nuts, and really “Tick” me off.

Return to the main trail and continue up past the blocking rock passing downed trees as well as living ones and some wild roses on your left. There will be minor trails heading toward the creek, but remember your goals will be found by staying on the main trail.
Look close to the creek for a telephone pole high dead tree denuded of bark on your left. This tree has a tall arch scar on the trailside. Take 55 steps up the trail from the point on the trail opposite this tree to a grand old living fellow just 5 steps to the right of the trail. From the back and middle of this old fellow locate 2 prone rotting logs at 315 degrees about 5 steps away. The letterbox is behind the right log on the NW side under tree stuff.

11/1/2008 update from ArtTrekker;
The clues talk about two rotting logs behind, but one of them has pretty much rotted away, and the box was in a spot not originally intentioned. If you say to look for the 5 or 6 foot long chunk of log behind, the box is tucked under the NE edge of that. The chunk of log is probably about 10 feet away from the big cedar.

#4 Chigger

We had to throw in something for all of those southern letterboxers.

Return to the path and look for a very unusual tall gnarly stump on your left. This stump is unlike any you have seen so far, and is about 15 feet high with part of the main part of the stump crumbled away. In front of it is a table sized 1-foot high stump. The large stump has a 5” diameter pole (log) leaning into the SW side. Carefully move this pole to the side, remove a few pieces of crumbling tree and you should see a light colored piece of stick.
Carefully remove the stick and pull on the camo colored string so that the Chigger can be free to burrow under your skin.
Please replace the letterbox in the same manner as you found it.

Note: On 6/16/2009 we received an update from ArtTrekker advising that she carved a new "Chigger" and replanted the box as follows;

From your stump, continue up trail for 36 steps. You will see a faint trail heading left to the creek. Down this little trail is a large Jeffrey, behind and to the right of which is a teenaged cedar, very green. Step over skinny log to the cedar and look in tree at about 6 feet high.

#5 Mosquito

You just knew this little sucker would be included.

Return to the path passing the green silo with solar panels and continue until you have a choice to go to the dam on your left or pass through the wooden biscuits blocking the path. For the last box in this series you should continue past the wooden rounds. You will see a concrete round with a metal top on your left, and take 50 steps to a blue diamond in a tree on the left side. At the SE base of this tree you will find the pesky mosquito hidden under some tree stuff.