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Soaring Above the Falls LbNA #2224

Plant date:May 1, 2003
Planted by:butterfly Contact Inactive
Found by: SherlockMiles
Last found:Feb 11, 2024
Last edited:Nov 10, 2015
The Soaring Above the Falls Letterbox

(Hadlyme, Connecticut)

Planted on April 29 , 2003 by Butterfly
Rated, you choose ~~ easy or super great !

High above the falls, the soaring hawk rests. Your quest to find him may take you on a most wonderful hike over ridge walks and spectacular rock formations. Or : if you so choose, a short hike over the falls and up to his resting spot. He soars above the Matabesett Trail in the Seven Falls section. To enjoy a great hike to find him , print off the Drew Clans clues for Seven Falls beginning in Hadlyme and park on Freeman road. It is a hike you will remember. If you choose to take the short route and then miss the Mattabesett showing off its proud trail, [and the other letterboxes planted by the Drew Clan ] then, park on the Middletown/Hadlyme boarder on Rte 154 aka old rt. 9A at the Road Side Park just where the beautiful Bible Brook cascades into the seven falls ,south of Freeman Road. Either way, you will climb from the falls , now on the Blue Dot blaze just re painted with a yellow dot . Up , you go, passing a glacier erratic on your right, then up up and the trail twists to the right Just before the power lines, stop. Look left, off trail for a large lumpy boulder, larger than a dishwasher. It is looking at you. The Soaring Hawk letterbox is resting there. Look under the smaller rock lying east of Lumpy Stamp in and look up, you may see him soaring. If you have chosen the wonderful Seven Falls Hike of the Drew Clan, just continue on the blue dot trail , if you chose to miss the cliffs and take the short hike, just return down the trail to your car. Have a wonderful day. Butterfly