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"B" Marks the Spot LbNA #21450

Owner:Kelsung Contact
Plant date:Apr 15, 2006
County:San Bernardino
Planted by:Tdyans Contact Inactive
Found by: fleetwood7
Last found:Feb 11, 2016
Last edited:Mar 24, 2024
Search for the biggest "B" in town.

It's hard to miss-- look up, not down.

Make your way to it, with logbook in tow.

The pathway is steep, though you've not far to go.

Stand in the lower left corner of the “B”.

From here the whole town you’ll find you can see.

Fifty steps south of this point you should look.

(Careful steps are smaller, and those are what I took.)

Here there will be an outcropping of rocks.

In a cleft, on the ground, you should find the box,

Hidden under rocks that are smaller in size.

Appreciate the view and enjoy your prize.