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Sunny Brook Park LbNA #1986

Plant date:Apr 30, 2003
Planted by:Rubaduc Contact Inactive
Found by: Team Rogue (2)
Last found:Dec 8, 2023
Last edited:Apr 30, 2003
The Letterboxes of Sunny Brook Park

Planted by Rubaduc 11-7-02
Easy 2 mile walk in Sunny Brook State Park

Directions: On Rt. 4 west out of Torrington, turn right at the police station onto Winsted Road. Straight through the next light then turn left at the set of lights at the white church onto Newfield Road. At 2.4 miles you'll see a sign on the right, at a bridge pointing out the John Muir Trail. Just after the bridge on the left is the park entrance marked only by stone pillars and a no littering sign. Plenty of parking.

Clues: Head south through the customary park gate on a paved road crossing over a good sized bridge. When you come to a fork, take the right fork to see the remains of what once must have been a thriving state park. I poked around here for a bit then headed towards the left end of the "old" parking lot to a dirt road. This leads to Torrington's model airplane field and since no one was flying I walked around. If the field is being used, take a left over the little bridge and come back to the road you were on originally. If the field in not being used you still need to cross that bridge when you come to it. When you're back on the main road you're looking on your left for a trail that was once paved (the pavement is now covered with silt from all the rain 04/29/07) about 100 steps after the bridge. Go up the trail about 50 steps, go left into the woods about 30 steps to a good sized boulder and look behind it under bark, rocks and leaves to find the Flutter Butter Meadow Letterbox. Watch for the fluttering things and if nature doesn't provide, you might be lucky enough to turn around towards the other meadow and see man made ones.

Head back the way you came to the first bridge (the bigger one) and 65 steps after you cross it take a left onto the blue trail. There are blazes on the left side on the pavement (unless there's snow cover) then you'll have to look into the woods for the blazes. Before long you'll see a sign on a tree on the right that says "Whites Nature Trail" and lots of blue blazes. Stay straight on the trail, up a small incline till you come to a small wooden bridge, you can see the yellow trail ahead of you on the left. Turn around, count 12 steps, look to your right and under the back edge of a large round boulder is the Picnic in the Park Letterbox. Stamp in, careful not to be seen, and rehide as found. Follow the blue back to the road and your car.

If you take the John Muir Trail at the bridge, you can come out at Burr Pond State Park (in 4 miles). Remember to wear orange there is hunting here.