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Mr. Toady's Letterbox LbNA #19848 (ARCHIVED)

Owner:Mark & Sue Pepe
Plant date:Nov 11, 2005
Found by: Energizer Bunnie
Last found:May 5, 2007
Last edited:Nov 11, 2005
UPDATE 12/18/06: This box is reactived as of this date. There is now a hand carved stamp, as the original box never had a stamp placed with the box. I also put a new log into the box since the original was damaged and too big for the new box. If you had previously found this box; it is entirely up to you whether or not you want to stamp into the new log. As always, please re hide carefully. Never reach into a hiding spot without first checking for nasties. The original placer is welcome to contact me to reclaim ownership of this box. Please contact me on it's condition so that it may be maintained as needed. The original clues remain as follows:

We recently introduced our troop to a “sport” called Letterboxing. Letterboxing is basically a treasure hunt. You look up the clues on line and then follow them to a location where a special box is hidden that contains log book. Our troop went on a field trip to find a box and also placed our own box. It was a nice little hike in the woods and the girls had a blast-we almost ran out of daylight. The directions for finding our box are included below. We also included a “First Finders Prize” in our box. It is a surprise. The first person to find the box and stamp/sign our log book may take the “surprise” as a souvenir.

I thought maybe some of the other troops in the Service Unit would like to learn about letterboxing. Please feel free to forward this email to the other leaders. We hope that some of the Troop’s from our Service Unit will find our box.
~JoAnn Walker, Troop 4101

Mr. Toady’s Box
Red Rock Wilderness Overlook Regional Park, placed November 11, 2005(703) 737-7800, open all year from dawn to dusk
Park and pick up a flyer at the bulletin board. Read through the small flyer and identify the buildings on the grounds. Spend a few minutes wandering around the carriage house and other buildings.

When ready, walk to the bulletin board. Behind it and to the right is the start of Spruce Trail (green trail blaze). Take Spruce until it ends at White Pine Loop Trail (white blaze) and turn right. Follow across three foot bridges and up to the overlook. There is a place where another trail looks like it comes in from the left, up a steep incline. Check the trail markers. This is White Pine Loop making a left turn. The trail continues ahead, but is unmarked. Don't take this unmarked trail...continue on Spruce.
You're close when you can see the Potomac on the left off in the distance. Look to the left and ahead to see black chain-link fences at the top of the hill. These are the overlook points you are headed to.
Take pictures and wave to Maryland.
When done, continue on White Pine Loop Trail. When you see a large brick building (on your left) you are really close! This is the water treatment facility.
You should line your shoulder up with the back corner of the building, then looking to the left, find a fallen tree with the roots sticking up and a “fuzzy caterpillar” on top of the log (that’s clue is meant to keep you guessing). Look in the roots, under leaves to find Mr. Toady’s Letterbox!