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Updated - Endangered Species - Green Sea Turtle LbNA #16864 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Jul 27, 2005
Planted by:Maiden1974 Contact Inactive
Found by: CO penguin
Last found:Jun 30, 2007
Last edited:Jul 27, 2005
Stamp: Hand carved
Wheel chair friendly: no
Stroller friendly: Trail stroller
Terrain: gravel roads, hills
Distance of walk: about two miles
Notes: No pen or stamp pad included

I went through the old clues and discovered that all the Wolf’s hints were a line off. Hopefully this will work better.

This box is part of Maiden1974’s endangered species series. She was kind enough to allow me to place a stamp in her series. Grateful for the opportunity and not wanting to impose I decided to consult the other residence of the area for a hiding place. They were a wealth of information and selected a wonderful spot for my sea turtle. I kept them on conference call on my cell phone as I planted the box, and it sounded something like this…

To the box:
The turkey seemed to do most of the talking and was quite intent on keeping any new residence out of his neck of the woods, so he suggested I take highway 34 westbound through Philomath. Take a left on Decker Road. Watch for the red, white, and blue gates. The third one, labeled Rose Road, is just before milepost 2. (About 1.8 miles from Highway 34). Now park on the shoulder and head up Rose Road on foot. (I was starting to realize that the Turkey was kind of bossy.)

The turkey then said…
“4th paragraph Line#2”
“4th paragraph Line#5”

The kangaroo rat wouldn’t say anything and just waved shyly as I walked past.

The wolf feeling a little lonely added…
3rd paragraph, line #2

The turkey continued…
“4th paragraph Line#17”
“4th paragraph Line#3”
“4th paragraph Line#11”
“4th paragraph Line#14”
“4th paragraph Line#12”

Concerned that I might not understand the wolf asked?
3rd paragraph line#6”

Turkey finished by saying…
“4th paragraph Line#15”

Wolf, still concerned that the turkey’s clues my be too vague whispered...
3rd paragraph line#3

The whale in a deep baritone finished the conversation with
“3rd paragraph last sentence.”

I didn’t understand, all their homes were so close to the road, but for whatever reason they picked a stump a little farther off the road for the Sea Turtle. No matter, I think the Sea Turtle Liked it just fine.

I hope all this worked for you, please give me an e-mail and let me know.