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Alberta Grains LbNA #15569

Owner:pilgrimsinthisland Contact
Plant date:May 24, 2005
County:Alberta, CAN
State:Alberta, Canada
Found by: CarrieOnThePrairie
Last found:Apr 24, 2016
Last edited:May 24, 2005
This is an very easy drive by.

This handcarved stamp is most effective if you have markers light blue and red (or brown) for the grain elevator.

Driving on highway 547 (we were driving from Lethbridge to Drumheller on these country highways) you will reach the town of Arrowwood. At Railway Ave. turn and you will immediatley see the 'science stop'. canal display and railcrossing sign, along with several cute birdhouses. Park here, enjoy the site.

To find the letterbox.

Look southwest just past the metal shed. Walk towrds the power pole just past the shed from the 'science stop' site.
At the base of the south side of this power pole you will find a 12" x 12" piece of concrete. Under this lies the pile of grain!

please watch out for spiders, ther arent too many hiding places. Also not sure if there are rattlers in this region too.

This box is an orphan, so please contact us.
Pilgrims in this Land
and Chocolate Bunny