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Sentinel Kananaskis LbNA #15303

Plant date:May 22, 2005
County:Alberta, CAN
State:Alberta, Canada
Planted by:Playmakers Contact Inactive
Found by: CarrieOnThePrairie
Last found:Oct 6, 2013
Last edited:May 22, 2005
NOTE: This Letterbox was reported alive & well on June 20/09.


This Letterbox is an easy find about 115 km. SW of Calgary and west of Longview in Alberta’s best kept secret, Kananaskis Country, a wonderful provincial Recreation Area.

The name Kananaskis dates back to 1858 when explorer John Palliser named the pass he was about to cross after the name of an Indian warrior of whom there were several legends of incredible strength and durability.

Kananaskis Country was created by the Alberta government on October 7, 1977 and consists of over 4,000 square kilometers of mountains, valleys, rivers, interpretive centers, picnic areas, campgrounds, two Olympic venues, a couple of outstanding hotels and excellent hiking, fishing and hunting.

There are several entrances to Kananaskis Country, however, for the sake of this Letterbox, you want to head south out of Calgary on highway 2. Once south of the city, you want to head SW toward Longview, a quaint cowboy town on highway 22 which runs north/south east of Kananaskis Country. There are several routes going west from highway 2 to highway 22. Keep your eyes open in Longview – you may see famous country singer Ian Tyson.

Once you have visited Longview, return to the north end of town and take highway 541 west toward Highwood Junction which is inside Kananaskis Country. If you reach Highwood Junction, you have gone too far.

At 37.9 km. from the start of highway 541 at highway 22, and 3.9 km. from the sign indicating that you have entered Kananaskis Country, you will see a day use area on your left called ‘Sentinel’.

The Sentinel Kananaskis Letterbox is in this day use area.

There are two outstanding hikes from the Sentinel day use area, both across the highway from where you are parked.

The first hike is the ‘Grass Pass’ hike where you can ascend about 1,350 feet up a valley and get some incredible views before returning along a long mountain ridge back to the parking area. The trail head for this hike is about 200 metres east from the entrance to the parking area on the north side of the highway and heads up a wide valley.

The second hike is the ‘Gunnery Creek’ hike where you follow Gunnery Creek up a beautiful valley to the same ridge that is near the top of the Grass Pass hike. The trail head for this hike is the next valley about 500 metres west of the entrance to the Sentinel parking area, with the trail following Gunnery Creek north up the valley.

We recommend that you combine these two hikes by heading up to Grass Pass and then heading west to the Gunnery Creek valley for your descent.

There are several excellent hiking guides widely available in numerous retail stores which describe these two hikes, and many others, in much greater detail. These are highly recommended hikes.


On entering the Sentinel day use area, turn right. The Highwood River is on your left.

Proceed just over 200 metres and you will see 3 large rocks on your right between you and the highway.

The Sentinel Kananaskis Letterbox is located under the west end of the center rock behind several small rocks.

Once you have found the Sentinel Kananaskis Letterbox and signed in, thank you for replacing the Letterbox to ensure the integrity of its hiding place.

Please ensure that there are sufficient lava rocks hiding the Letterbox so that it is well protected from the view of passersby. Thank you.

We hope you enjoy the hike, the scenery and the fabulous views in your quest for the Sentinel Kananaskis Letterbox.

Please contact us by email at to let us know you
found this box and the condition it is in, plus any other comments
you may have. We look forward to hearing from you.

Happy Letterboxing!