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Buried Treasure LbNA #13044 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Not specified
City:Ann Arbor/ Ypsilanti
Planted by:keldar5 Contact
Found by: Digus
Last found:Mar 23, 2007
Last edited:Mar 18, 2023
Start at Montebellier Park located in Ypsilanti, MI off of Ellsworth Road.

Stretch properly. Make sure to stretch calves, thighs, biceps and triceps.

From the parking lot travel towards the vibrantly colored play structures.

When you reach the playground, read the sign of the structure with a woodchip base.

Find a pavillion with the amount of picnic tables corresponding to the maximum age limit of the playground.

Continue over the hills to the small baseball diamond...or is it a cricket field?!?!

Count the number of rows of bleacher benches ____

Stand at the pitchers mound facing West, and using the number of bleachers, count the tall light poles on the horizon.

Travel towards the final pole that you counted until you see a grassy causway on your right.

Travel down the grassy causway until you reach the third sewer.

From the sewer, count 35 paces back.

Cross the river at "The Convenient Vantage Point"

Follow the path. DON'T GO LEFT!

You will soon reach a splitting of the path. Follow the direction of the path with two trees in the center.

Continue down the path until you see a sign facing away from the woods.

From the sign, walk the number of paces equivalent to the ordinance number from the direction of whence you came. Follow to the left.

Count the number of ribs on the pipe you just stepped on. Add the digits ___ + ___ = _____

Follow the trail, constantly zigzagging from side to side.

From the wounded tree, turn 315 degrees and you will face another tree with barbed wire grafted into it.

Follow the disintegrating fence until you encounter a very bizarre stump.

Count the number of places the barbed wire enters the stump _____
Multiply this number by the number from the rib clue. _____ degrees

Facing the rightmost (northern) telephone pole, turn the previous number of degrees.

Travel in that direction. You will encounter a path!

Follow this path to a decapitated tree.

From there go 80 paces. Beware of the bears.

At the sencond red marker, turn to the river bed on your right.

Descend into the river bed.

Walk up stream about 12 feet.

On your right is a large mound of rocks. . .

Do what you need to do.

Cover the treasure once again.

Sing and dance your victory. Rejoice, you have a new stamp!

And thus completes the clues to uncovering the buried letterbox treasure of Montbellier Park. I did not place this letterbox...rumor has it that the pirate Blackbeard, on a vacation to Southeast Michigan, placed this, his most valued treasure, in the pile of rocks you now see before you. Of course, before the glaciers came through, the box was much deeper in the ground...but the ice has carved it out to a place where all can find and enjoy such an amazing piece of antiquity.
