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Sandy Point on Priest Lake LbNA #10528

Plant date:Aug 29, 2004
Planted by:colls & DB Contact Inactive
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Aug 29, 2004
In the 1840's the Jesuits came to Priest Lake, establishing a mission nearby on the eastern shore of the Pend Oreille River. They started a small mission in the Kalispel Bay area. Father Peter DeSmet spent considerable time in the immediate Priest Lake area during 1844 to 1846. Father DeSmet named the lake "Roothaan Lake" in honor of his religious superior back in Rome. Obviously, the name didn't stick. In 1865, John Mullan named the lake "Kaniksu." The Indian word Kaniksu is the English equivalent to black robe, and from that reference, the name gradually evolved from Kaniksu to Priest Lake.

How well do you know Priest Lake? This letterbox is located at Sandy Point. But, where is Sandy Point? I can tell you this: Sandy Point is well marked with signs. It is found on detailed maps of the lake. Here is a code, if you need it, to pinpoint the location even further.

PZORHKVO RHOZMW In this code A = Z, B = Y, C = X.

From the Sandy Point Day Use sign, head south along the shore. You will travel under one, over a small one (might even be gone), until you come to an ancient one. Once you get past the old guy, climb another 20 feet uphill and to your left, in the crevice between the granite boulders, you will find the prize, cash prize that is.