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Bottle cap box LbNA #33408

Plant date:Jul 25, 2007
City:san luis obispo
County:San Luis Obispo
Planted by:holycowpie
Found by: Stray
Last found:Nov 17, 2007
Last edited:Jul 25, 2007
This box is very random and as easy as one two three

Go to French Park by Tank Farm road
Go to the sand box
Go to the blue slide that looks like a castle
Slide down it
After you get of you will see a blue bench
There are trees behind it
Go to the last tree to your left nearest the tennis ball courts
from there walk till you see the opening in the fence by the basket ball corts
there is a fence to the right of you and look at the bace of it there is a large rock beneath it is some dirt and then the box.
Inside you will find paper and a bottle cap (a real bottle cap)
I recommend bring a squishy ink pad for the bottle cap
The easiest way to stamp with this it to roll it in the ink and then on your paper it looks like the arches in ancient Rome if done correctly and if you press hard on your paper
There is an example of how to do it on the paper its self.
Be gentle with your ink it will rip if you press hard. Bring your own ink and pen
Contact me if anything is missing

p.s. please do this secretly there are often mischievous kids at the park so do it quick and with out being seen and put exactly were you found it and as you found it.

hi I am one of the super sisters drop me a line if you found my box or our box which is called down town brown remember you have to be a member to add a box. happy hunting;-)