And now, Uncle Marvin had promised to take her on a full-fledged "adventure." As she waited at the window, she daydreamed about where they might go today.

She imagined her uncle leading her through the jungle with wild animals all around... danger everywhere. But she was always safe when Uncle Marvin was nearby. She became so lost in thought that she nearly fell asleep right there in the windowsill....

Suddenly, Tina came to her senses and realized that Uncle Marvin's car was parked in her driveway. Then she saw him traipsing up the sidewalk toward her front door with a small backpack slung over his right shoulder.

"He's here!" she squealed, as she bolted from the sofa to grab the doorknob. "Hi, Uncle Marvin!" she called out, flinging the door open. "Where are we going on our adventure?"

"Hi, Butterfly!" replied Uncle Marvin. "Hold on a minute... let me at least say hello to your folks! Besides, we've got to gather up some supplies and provisions before we take off on our adventure."

"What's a 'provision'?" Tina asked.

"Oh, that's just a fancy word for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches," he replied. "I don't suppose you'd wanna whip us up a couple of 'em?"

"Sure!" she exclaimed, as she ran into the kitchen.

The sandwiches were made, and packed neatly into a paper sack (along with some grapes and crackers) long before Uncle Marvin had finished saying hello to Tina's parents. She tried to be patient, but Tina's excitement could not be contained for very long... "Where are we going on our adventure?" she repeated.