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Silver City Brewery LbNA #73723

Owner:Silver Eagle Contact Platinum
Plant date:Mar 30, 2019
Location: Boston Hill Open Space
City:Silver City
State:New Mexico
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Apr 12, 2019
*** Part of my Beer Series ***
Terrain Difficulty: Easy (moderate slope, 0.5 mile RT)
Status: alive

Even though Silver City Brewery is located in Washington, I feel it should be located here, so I placed this box at Boston Hill Open Space.

Go south on NM-90 to Broadway St and turn right for 0.1 mile to N Texas St. Turn left then right on W Spring St for 0.2 mile & park on left near Boston Hill Open Space trailhead.

Walk on trail past houses then up to a Posted: Private Property sign. Just before sign is cedar tree on left 3 steps from trail. LB is at back base under rocks & needles.

Hike length: 0.5 miles