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Rock Creek Nature Trail LbNA #63034

Plant date:Sep 3, 2012
Location: Rock Creek Nature Trail, Tahoe National Forest
City:Nevada City
Planted by:Giannoa Contact Inactive
Found by: JoySong
Last found:Apr 16, 2021
Last edited:Sep 3, 2012
Please note trail is not accessible in winter.

Directions to the trail head (about 6 miles east of Nevada City):

Take Hwy 20 East out of Nevada City
After passing Harmony Ridge Market keep an eye out for a
Forest Conservation Camp sign indicating a left turn ahead.
Turn left here and you will see a large wooden sign for the
Washington Ridge Conservation Camp. An owl keeps watch.
Follow the Rock Creek Nature Trail (RCNT) signs and be sure
to keep a sharp eye to the right where you may find vistas
through the trees. Following the signs to RCNT, at 1.2 mi. you will
turn left onto a dirt road.1 mile later the road is paved again and you
make a left then right into the parking lot.

To the letterbox:

At the information sign pick up a trail map and find #1 to begin. As you walk listen to the soothing sounds of a babbling brook and stop a moment to enjoy the sun filtering down to you through the canopy. Dogwoods, Madrone and Big Leaf Maple are all here. After 3 traverse the creek to your right and marvel at its song. There's a bench just before 5 but if you stop here you won't see the giant Madrone standing tall beyond the marker. Keep moving and feel the temperature changing. Can you find the missing 6? At 7 marvel at the Ponderosas but alas, if you are disabled you will find a sign urging you to go no further. Descend and you will see wreaths foretelling of others' adventures. Pass by the 8 and go on to 9, test the soil if you have time. Follow the sound of the creek and find the bench in a clearing, a perfect place to have a snack. When you're ready, just behind the bench tight-rope-walking treasure seekers will balance their way then take one big step back to land. An unassuming tree stump by your right foot hides treasure inside. When you're finished here, go explore a little more. The inspiration for this stamp comes from what you'll find just ahead. A large, flat boulder with some moss but look closely and you'll see it's a Maidu grinding stone with two or three places where acorns were once ground into feasts. Then it's on to 10 where they say an old house lies in ruins. Shortly after, 13 marks the end of our loop. Going back the way you came this time you may find a design you didn't see at first. A sun in the tree just before 3. Then it's back to your car. We haven't gone far. That's just .75 miles of adventuring!