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Angel and the Cross LbNA #73411

Owner:Baby Bear
Plant date:Oct 13, 2018
Location: Camp Allen
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Oct 16, 2018
Difficulty: Easy to box, but may have to get to starting point in different way.

Distance to Letterbox: 1/4 mile

Camp Allen is a great church camp in the Piney woods. It has tons of activities, lodging options and trails. Give it a visit.

From Hwy 290, exit FM 362 and go east. At Hwy 1488, turn right, then turn left again on FM 362 in 3 miles. Go 6.2 miles, then turn left into the camp. Go to the entry booth on road. It will say you need to register, but no one seems to be there. If that is the case, go past this booth and continue on road to the very end at the Lakeside Meeting Center. Park in lot. *** if you could not get past the booth, then turn right and go toward the registration building. Go to parking lot on left of that to the All Saints Chapel, then find the Big Oaks Trail in back of and hike to the big cross at end (where clues below pick up).

To the Letterbox:
From Parking, go to gazebo and past it onto levy. Cross this with lake to your right and go to the huge cross on the hill ahead. From the cross, go behind and up the hill and a little left. Follow the dirt roadway until you find the trail sign for Big Oaks Trail. Take that trail. Cross bridge, then go a few more steps. Turn right and go off trail 5 yards to back side of big Pine Tree. Box at base under stuff.

Hike length: 0.5 miles