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Happy Earth Day 2018 LbNA #72818

Plant date:Apr 20, 2018
City:West Cornwall
Found by: belfastyank
Last found:May 2, 2020
Last edited:Apr 21, 2018
Enter the Mohawk State Forest on Rt 4 in West Cornwall, just west of the Goshen town line. Go through the gate and take the first left to the picnic area. Follow the road around to where the big rocks guard the drain. Standing in the road with your back to the drain, look for the 2 blue marks. Go there. Then go right to the big rock thing and go to the back with the openings. Carefully lean into the left opening and look to the right. What you are looking for is behind the leaning rock.
Best to use green ink.
When you are done stamping in, please make sure to replace the “box” blue end in and reposition the leaning rock.

Hike length: 0.1 miles