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Live & Breathe XX - Winter Texans Series LbNA #72781

Owner:Baby Bear
Plant date:Sep 22, 2018
Location: McKinney Roughs Park
Found by: NLW (5)
Last found:Feb 28, 2019
Last edited:Oct 30, 2018
Difficulty: Easy
Distance RT for All: 1 mile

Located in McKinney Roughs Nature Park. Excellent park with tons of trails and great facilities.

From Bastrop, go west on Hwy 71 about 6 miles. Turn right into park entry (signed) and go to parking area. Walk into office and pay fee.

To the Letterboxes:
Get map. Walk behide the buildings and get on road, pass Riverside trailhead and eventually come to Bobcat trail (cross road) - use your map). Go left and either do Texas Letterboxing History series, Texas History Series, Narnia Series first (then start these clues), or go to the far intersection of the Bobcat Trial and the Pine Ridge Trail and work the clues backwards from there.

Winter Texans are individuals, usually from the north, who choose to relocate to the state of Texas for the winter months to avoid harsh weather. However, once they get here and see how great it is, many decide to stay permanently. We would like to acknowledge a few letterboxers that might fit this description.

1. Evil-Eyes-Poop Cowgirls – Ever since they modeled for their own Letterboxer Pinups box for Space Camp at GLG 2016, the girls from Michigan have been dying to get back into the spotlight, and since they included a TX hunk in that box, they must have a secret desire to be Texas cowgirls. CLUE: From end of last series, go 90 steps to oak tree that is 5 feet off left side of trail. Box at back base under rocks.

2. Shaken, Not Deterred – Wisconsin Hiker and Martini Man first started coming to TX in 2014 for TALE 11, and even though MM was bitten by a snake they have been back several times since. James Bond has nothing on Martini Man! CLUE: Go 80 steps to big oak tree on right, about 1 foot from trail. Go left off trail 14 steps to big oak tree. Box at back base under rocks.

3. The Eyes of TX Are Upon You – Because he volunteers so much of his time to LBNA as webmaster, we decided to make Choi an honorary Texan! CLUE: Go 21 steps to the #9 marker on right. Continue for 115 more steps to oak tree on left, about 20 yards off trail. Box at back base under rock.

4. Smallest to Biggest – Wanda and Pete from Rhode Island attended their first TALE in 2005 and have been back several times. Since they have found the most letterboxes of anyone in North America, we can only assume they want to move to a bigger state worthy of their stature. CLUE: Go 90 steps to V-shaped oak tree on left, about 5 steps off trail. Box at back base under rocks.

5. Unsinkable Open Space – She decided to take on the titanic project of bringing Live & Breathe XX to TX, but unlike the Titanic, she brought it safely home with perseverance, hard work and good ole Texas grit. Congratulations to a permanent Texan who brought so many temporary ones here for a memorable weekend! CLUE: Go 56 steps to big oak tree on left edge of trail, just at curve. Go left off trail 11 steps to small oak tree. Box at back base under rocks.

Continue for about 50 steps to reach the Pine Ridge Trail.

Hike length: 1 mile