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The Golden Acorn: Box 1 "The Mother Oak" LbNA #64127

Owner:Team Laugh-a-Lot Contact Inactive
Plant date:Feb 28, 2013
Location: Saddler's Woods
State:New Jersey
Found by: Arf!
Last found:Oct 8, 2013
Last edited:Feb 28, 2013
Team Laugh-a-Lot has fallen in love with the wonderful book series "The Golden Acorn" by Catherine Cooper. (The first book, "The Golden Acorn", is available as a free download for Amazon Kindle.) We devoured the first four books in this series and eagerly await the fifth in Autumn of 2013. Jack Brenin, the main character, and his friends inspired us to plant this series. Enjoy - and do read the books!

Jack wanted to plant a symbol of hope for the Hamadryads on Earth - so Camelin used his beak to help carve an image of Sylvana, The Mother of all Hamadryads, Guardian of the Oaks and Bearer of the Sacred Mistletoe. (Of course, Jack had to promise Camelin a cheeseburger and chips to get him to do it!) Jack wanted to put it in Newton Gill to cheer up the poor Gnarles, but he could sense Velindur in the shadows watching him from Elidon. So Jack asked the Night Guard to take the image of The Mother Oak into Saddler's Woods and hide it for safekeeping. Motley quickly organized the Guard, and they decided to send the Dorysk out to secret the special box away, out of the reach of Spriggans and especially away from the eyes of Velindur. Velindur followed the Dorysk until he left the path, but then the Dorysk shape-shifted into a flea and Velindur was left alone wondering where he'd gone. Velindur planted a bright green stake along the path where he last saw the Dorysk, so that he could go back again to search the area, but he hasn't yet found it.

If you care about the forests and the Hamadryads, and if you wish to see this symbol of hope for yourself, follow these instructions: Enter Saddler's Woods from the main path. Take care that no one is following you. You'll be sad as you see the dead wood along the right side of the path, but, take heart! Remember that Jack has planted the tiny acorns that were given to him in Annwn, and in time, the forests on Earth will be full of the sound of Dryads singing again. Follow the path until you see Velindur's bright green stake planted in the ground on the left side of the path, you'll also see an above-the-ground water well high in the sky to the left. On the right side of the path is what was once a great Hamadryad, that is now just a sad Gnarle, that has fallen toward the water well, almost falling across the path. The Dorsyk placed the beautiful symbol of The Mother Oak in the root end of this dead wood, close to the ground, covered by more dead wood. Please take care that Velindur doesn't see you! And please re-hide it very carefully so that it is not discovered by Spriggans or a hag.

Jack and Camelin will be sending the Night Guard out with some other things for safekeeping soon, but you can be sure that it will be costing Jack a lot of treats to get Camelin's help!