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Two More Birds in Robin Hood Park LbNA #57794

Plant date:May 11, 2011
Location: Robin Hood Park
State:New Hampshire
Planted by:DOE TRACKS
Found by: uneksia (2)
Last found:Oct 13, 2019
Last edited:Apr 20, 2019
Two More Birds in Robin Hood Park

Begin this hike after completing the search for our first planting, “The Robin of Robin Hood Park.” Return to the trail and turn right to continue your hike along the main trail. After about 5 minutes you will meet an area where several trails converge. Take the trail slightly to your right, Robin Hood Trail. As you reach the crest of the hill you have several choices of direction. Don’t take any of them. Just look to your right to the root area of a large dead tree that has fallen in the leaves, Look under the area where the roots used to be. There should be some bark there and you will find “The Robin’s Nest.” Stamp in and hide discreetly. This box was missing but we replaced it 4/18/19. Continue on to “Baby Bobbin.” Baby Bobbin was in place on 4/16/19.

Walk back down the hill to the bottom and continue on the “around the pond” trail by going to the right. No sharp right turns into the woods. You want to be circling the pond so stay to the left when the trail goes up hill to the crest of the land. Sign: Reservoir Street Trail. (After Baby Bobbin you will be following this crest all the way back to the swimming pool and parking area.) When you reach the crest of the hill continue on the flat trail until you see a large pine tree on your left, somewhat in the trail. Count 120 steps (not paces) from this tree. Look to your left. If you can see straight across and downhill from you to a small wooden bridge, and if you look to your right and see a long dead tree on the ground you are in the right place. Count 19 more steps and look for a path on your right. It’s faint but is probably used by people coming up to the park from a road down below. Turn right onto this trail. You will be going downhill.Okay. More counting but you are getting close. Count about 66 steps. On your right you will see a large rock with a rotted stump behind it and a mound of dirt and rocks. “Baby Bobbin” is hiding on the back side of that mound.

Return back uphill to the path and and continue around the lake. You will shortly reach some houses and the park. You will have circled the pond. The entire walk (with breaks for stamping) takes about an hour.

For a magical experience walk this trail on this crest on the west side above the pond in October. It is absolutely golden and beautiful.

Hike length: 1 mile