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goldstrike windows LbNA #51877 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Dec 26, 2009
City:Boulder City
Planted by:LV Hiker62
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Dec 26, 2009
Drive south from Boulder city on hwy 93 to the hacienda casino. (used to be the gold strike). Drive another half mile and make a right at the dirt road. Go under the new overpass and take a left. follow this road to the trailhead.
This is about a 4 mile trek thru goldstrike canyon down to the colorado river. The first part of the trek is down a sandy river bed. about a mile into your hike, look up to the left and you will see a rock formation with 3 "windows".
The box you seek is in the lower window. But don't stop there! Continue down the path and multiple hot springs await. Some are bathwater hot and big and deep enough to soak in! Note: There is some technical bouldering involved in various spots along the trail.