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West Island LbNA #44354 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Nov 2, 2008
Planted by:carrielyn!
Found by: The Four Cs
Last found:Sep 19, 2009
Last edited:Nov 2, 2008
In Fairhaven, MA Travel down Sconticut neck road, Then turn in onto Goulart memorial drive. Proceed over the bridge onto West Island. then take your first right onto Alder street. Go strait until eventually you come to The end of the road. Then it turns left into Basscreek road. Walk to the pole that holds the two street signs. When you stand at that pole, you should be able to see down Cottonwood street. About 30 paces from the pole to cottonwood street, you should come to A pine tree. To the right of the pine tree there are two large rocks leaning against eachother. In beetween those two rocks is where I placed the letterbox.

I left somthing that I love, my sister made it! If you'd like to take it, leave somthing for the next person to find my letter box!

have fun!