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The Fourth Little Pig--a one-night-only letterbox LbNA #43907 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Oct 9, 2008
Planted by:The Fat Lady
Found by: Sondog
Last found:Oct 15, 2008
Last edited:Oct 9, 2008
This is a one-night-only letterbox, available for one hour from 5 to 6 p.m., on Wednesday, October 15; note that the CLUE is available only then, but the fun and games will last into the evening. You will need a vehicle with working headlights, a good grasp of the concepts of “right” and “left,” and the wherewithal to contend with the other local letterboxers who will undoubtedly be competing with you to be first-finder. In this case, though, there’s enough first-finder-ness to go around, so be nice, don’t shove, and have a blast! It would also be a good idea to bring along some cash or a credit card.

The Thrilling Tale of the Fourth Little Pig

All the while her brothers were involved with defending their straw, stick, and brick houses from Mr. Big Bad, the fourth Little Pig was blithely trekking the trails of her region, camping out under the stars and leaving, here and there, little treasures for other hikers to find. She took great delight in picturing the nature-lovers who would ferret out her tiny stashes, and tried to place each one in a spot well worth their effort and time. Each time she discovered a picturesque brook, glade, or hilltop view, her first and greatest desire was to gift it to others, and she found ingenious ways of leading like-minded trekkers to the site. Many of them followed her example, and within a short while she was having equal fun on both sides of the hide-and-seek equation.

But, O Cruel Fate, the fourth Little Pig’s carefree days were numbered. Unbeknownst to her, the Big Bad Wolf found out somehow (we think an envious geo-cacher might have spilled the beans) that, in his huffing-and-puffing frenzy, he’d overlooked one Little Pig. With the first three now barricaded in their impenetrable brick home, Big Bad was jonesing more than ever for bacon. He turned his full attention toward locating the fourth Little Pig and soon a bitter backpacker (who had once tried and failed to find one of Fourth L.P.’s treasures) told the wolf where to start looking. Further, the backpacker assured the wolf that this little pig would be easy prey, as she was usually domiciled in a flimsy nylon tent.

“A TENT!” howled Big Bad. “A mere pup could blow down a TENT!” Images of pork chops danced in his head, and he sped to where his informant had pointed. He knew that when he got there, he’d find clues from the fourth Little Pig to her latest treasure, and he was certain—egotist that he was—he’d sail through the quest and capture his dinner in no time.

He went to 3514 South Grand Boulevard, looked in the mailbox on the porch, and found a useful set of directions.