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Tremor The Troll: Smokey Mountain Troll's Cousins LbNA #32574 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:May 21, 2007
Planted by:Hale s Angel
Found by: Sadie4760
Last found:Jun 26, 2013
Last edited:May 21, 2007

Bring a pencil & stamp pad

I have changed this to a series of 4 Called Smokey Mountain Troll's Cousins Series

This box was left at the request of our realtor, Paula Cramer. It is located inside the Century 21 Four Seasons Realty at 3224 E Parkway. Just ask for Paula or Cass.(Cass has it at her desk).

As you're going into Gatlinburg, turn left at traffic light #3 which is Rt. 321 or E Parkway. Follow it out for several miles through Pittman Center. Watch for the office on the right hand side which is a big log building.

When Tremor heard there were Smokey mountain Trolls he decided to go find a place to live there. He figured anyplace had to be better than Trollville Alaska. He was passing by the Century 21 office and decided he liked the great big log cabin office and put down roots and lives there for now.
Box # 1 : Tremor The Troll
This box was left at the request of our realtor, Paula Cramer. It is located inside the Century 21 Four Seasons Realty at 3224 East Parkway. Just ask for Paula or Cass, but I'm sure anyone can help you.

As you're going into Gatlinburg, turn left at traffic light #3 which is Hwy. 321 or East Parkway. Follow it out for 8-9 miles (I think) through Pittman Center. Watch for the office which is a big log home on the right hand side.

Box #2 : Toejam The Troll
Toejam followed Tremor to Gatlinburg, but stopped in at the Cracker Barrel to find something to eat. It is the Cracker Barrel just past light# 8 and has Krispy Creme on the other side of it. He was chased out when he was caught picking his toes at the table. He ran out to the right past the building to a line of trees. He saw 3 Weeping Willows and found a little path behind the first one. He noticed a cement drain-off in front of the tree towards the parking spaces. He found two like-trees with a big chunk of blacktop(pavement) in front of the trees and jumped in behind the pavement and pulled some leaves and sticks over him. He's decided this will be a safe place for a while.

Box #3: Toothless The Troll
Going into Gatlinburg, turn left at light #3 onto 321( East Parkway). Go out to traffic light 3A and turn left onto Glades Rd. This is the Arts and Crafts Community. You'll eventually go about 1 1/2 miles, but you'll want to stop and shop along the way. The address is 676 Glades Rd. It is at the very end of a little line of stores. There is a great big green sign with all of the store names on it.
Toothless thought he was the smart one. He went straight out to "A Troll In The Park" The Smokey Mountain Troll store. When he got there, all of these trolls were different than he was and it scared him so bad, he hid right there in the store and wouldn't leave. If you look to the left just a few feet inside the door at the base of a very big troll, he might be hiding there behind a turkey. If you can't find him, just ask.

Box #4 Torro The Troll

Going into Gatlinburg, turn left a light #3 onto 321 (East Parkway). Turn left at light 2A (Dudley Creek Rd) then right at next street, Cartertown Rd (209). You want to turn left into Mountain Rentals which is the first place on the left. Torro decided to stay here awhile and help them rent our cabin out for us. He's hiding behind the counter shuffling papers. Just ask for him.

Please make sure Toejam is recovered well. Let me know if any of the boxes needs attention of I need to redo any clues. Enjoy.