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Calico Wedding Box **MISSING** LbNA #30090 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Apr 14, 2007
Location: Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area
City:Las Vegas
Planted by:The Long Hunters
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Apr 14, 2007
**MISSING as of June 07*** I have gotten a few emails, and it appears our box is missing before anyone even found it. =-(

Calico Wedding Letterbox

Go to the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. There is a $5 per car entry fee. After you enjoy the Visitors center, you can start your journey driving along the 13 mile scenic drive. To find our box you will need to stop at the Calico Tanks trail and park there. The turn-off and parking lot area are called Sandstone Quarry. You will start on trail to the north of the parking lot, and facing Turtlehead.

Follow the trail to the open circle area where you will find the large quarry sandstones and reader board.

Stand with your back to the quarry stones, and the red rock in front of you. LOOK UP. You can see 2 small bushes together up on the rock; there is a small hole that looks like a cave to the right. This is your destination! Once you climb up to this area, there is a large flat area of rock up there where you can sit, enjoy the view and stamp your books.

If you are able to see your destination, you can choose which way you would like to climb up. However, here is what we think is the easiest route. You will start climbing here. Once you leave the quarry rocks you will go right toward the base of the red and white and when you reach solid rock, veer right to begin the climb. You will follow along the large crack that will lead you up towards to top. Stay along the crack where it changes from white to red rock. Once you get up a ways, you will see a Hook in the rock. You should be facing the parking lot, with the quarry stones down on your right. Go to the hook; look up in front of you towards your left. You will see the small little cave at the end of the rock. Climb up to that, reach in, and you have found our box!

(This area up by the cave(small hole) does have a small area of flat rock to sit on, although it is hard to see that when you are climbing up.)

For more information on Red Rock Canyon Park you can visit:

If our box is missing, or looks like it needs some attention, please let us know!
Thanks, happy hunting!