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Cows in the Meadow LbNA #29577 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Mar 28, 2007
City:Southern Pines
State:North Carolina
Planted by:OregonBill Contact Inactive
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Mar 28, 2007
Attention: This box was removed on May 30, 2007 by the State Park ranger and is no longer available.

Weymouth Center for the Arts & Humanities has served as a North Carolina cultural center since 1979, with an established chamber music series and lecture series. The grounds feature the Boyd House surrounded by the Weymouth Gardens, a beautiful gem set in the charming town of Southern Pines.

To the Weymouth Center
555 East Connecticut Ave, Southern Pines, NC
Locate Southern Pines near Pinehurst. From US Hwy 1 or US 15/501, turn east on NC 2, Midland Rd., and drive into Southern Pines. Midland Rd. becomes NW Broad St. Turn left on Connecticut Ave. Go 4 blocks east of Broad St and the Weymouth Center is on your left. Park by the split rail fence and walk to the information kiosk to the right of the house.

To the box
Step up and take your vows at the Ives Memorial
Step down the other side and continue SE.
You will meet two hikers who tell you to walk SSW into the meadow.
After a short 5 minute walk, go up to the yellow guy waiting at the fence.
The cow in the meadow is laying under the pine straw at the base of the nearest of two pines towards the guy.

These grounds are used frequently by riders on horseback. Listen and be alert. When a horse and rider approach, simply step to the side, call out a friendly greeting and stand quietly so as not to alarm either of them.