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BoBo Bill - Missing? LbNA #25745

Owner:Baby Bear
Plant date:Sep 11, 2006
County:Alberta, CAN
State:Alberta, Canada
Found by: silver thorn
Last found:Aug 23, 2008
Last edited:Sep 11, 2006
Difficulty: Easy
Distance to Mini-box: 1/4 mile

Status of Mini-box: Reported missing on 6/1/09

The "BoBo Bill" mini-box is located just north of Jasper townsite, on Pyramid Lake, on an island in the middle of the lake. This is a great place to visit and explore.

Use your park map. You will head north of town to Pyramid lake. When you reach the resort, keep going until you see the parking for Pyramid Island on the left. Park in the lot.

To the Mini-box:
Walk down the trail and across the bridge to the island. Go past the bench area. Take the trail straight ahead (not right) and go to the end of the island (farthest from the bridge) to a bench that looks up a Pyramid peak above. From the sign, go right inot the trees for 9 steps to a lone pine tree. Look left at a multi-trunk bush. Box is on back side of this bush, under a rock pile.