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Buffalo Image - RETIRED LbNA #25744 (ARCHIVED)

Owner:Baby Bear
Plant date:Sep 10, 2006
County:Alberta, CAN
State:Alberta, Canada
Found by: Silver Eagle
Last found:Aug 12, 2007
Last edited:Sep 10, 2006
Difficulty: Moderate (short uphill climb on trail)
Distance to Mini-box: 1/4 mile

Status of Mini-box: Reported missing on 3/30/2012

The "Buffalo Image" mini-box is located near the townsite of Jasper, CN, on Old Fort Point. This bald hilltop gives you great 360 views of the whole Jasper area, and is worth the climb to the top (plus you can get this box on the way).

Directions: Use the park service map, or go to the visitor's center in town for direction to Old Fort Point. It is just off Hwy 93A, just south of town. Once you turn onto the road, cross the bridge and park in lot just across the bridge on the right.

To the mini-box:
Near the bridge you will find a wooden staircase going up. Take it up to the stone marker. Go left up more steps, then on to anther set of steps and go up (no rail for these). Keep going up to the group of rocks at the left of the trail. Keep climbing on main trail to the top until you reach a group of trees. Go through the trees. Now spot the lone evergreen tree on the left (uphill) side of the trail. Walk up the hillside to the back side of this tree. There should be a rock pile, with the box under it. Please re-cover this well, as this trail is a high traffic area.