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Boxin' 'Dillo - MISSING LbNA #24040 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Jul 22, 2006
Planted by:Viewfinder
Found by: ???
Last found:Nov 18, 2006
Last edited:Jul 22, 2006
Mystery Box Placed by Viewfinder

Texas Letterboxing Legends include several mysterious “aliens” who apparently engage in letterboxing. Among these are the Beignet-Eating Aliens(BEA’s), Letterboxing Coyotes, and now. . . the Boxin’ ‘Dillo.

Early one morning, I was walking through a quiet, little historic cemetery. As I approached the location of a letterbox I was seeking, I suddenly spied an armadillo scuttling away from the very place in which I expected to find the object of my quest! Had the armadillo indeed been replacing the letterbox? Was he carrying a little ‘dillo stamp and logbook in his tiny claws? Was he, in fact, another letterboxer? I watched him disappear down the nearby creek bank and up the other side onto a golf course. I sat at a nearby table, the quiet morning sounds of birds interrupted occasionally by large jet planes taking off or perhaps landing at the large airport nearby, the quiet “crack” of golfers teeing off or the electric hum of golf carts passing on the other side of the tree-lined creek bank, and the “swish-swish” of sprinklers on the tombstones of the well-maintained historic cemetery. And then I spotted the perfect location for the mysterious Boxin’ ‘Dillo letterbox.

To find the Boxin’ ‘Dillo, first locate this letterbox, inside of which you’ll find clues to lead you to the nearby Boxin’ ‘Dillo mystery box.

If you need another hint, contact me.