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Operation Freelancer LbNA #9794 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Jul 3, 2004
Planted by:Agent N.
Found by: Ronbo
Last found:Jul 20, 2006
Last edited:Jul 3, 2004
This Box has been stolen as of March 18.

First go to Newman Road off HWY 61 North In Natchez you can get a map from if the weather is nice this is a wonderful place to take a walk. Ok start walking until there is a turn in the road after you make the turn stop at the first mailbox, now solve this Math problem, the answer is the number of mail boxes you will pass (including the one you are standing by) before you are ready for the next clue.
7 x 2 + 41 - 19 + 2 - 7 X 3 - 7 + 4 -:- 2 +58 -:- 2 - 1 + 3 + 64 -99 + 4 - 5 + 7 + 2 = ?
ok now unscramble the letters to find out the hiding place. Hiebnd hte bgi erte. the box is painted camo style and is under a bunch of leaves and sticks. remember to put it all back just like you found it. remember to bring your own ink pad. Happy Hunting!