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You Can Bank On It MIA LbNA #8728 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Jun 20, 2004
Planted by:Post Mystress
Found by: ???
Last found:Oct 11, 2004
Last edited:Jun 20, 2004
NOV 4, 2004 - REPORTED LOG MISSING, trinkets in box

YOU CAN BANK ON IT - refers to the banking industry which is so predominant in this Colorado location - but not necessarily to this neighborhood park. Once an exquisite garden built in 1909-11 on the site of a city dump by landscape architect Saco DeBoer and George Kessler. Water was diverted from Cherry Creek to make the beautiful pool and waterfall that once graced the park. The quaint Moorish pavilion was designed by architect Jacques Benedict. The park incorporated many of the key conventions of late 19th century and early 20th century park design, including an informal forested vale which merges into an open, symmetrical space which in turn functions visually as a formal manor house, garden-like setting before West High School. Today only West High School still stands and there is no evidence the pool or pavilion ever existed as you gaze upon bright blue jungle gym and swing sets. The only structure is a stone column and surrounding seat with pyramidal roof that looks more like a toadstool thriving on the decay of a forgone sunken garden. Standing by this structure you can look West across the park to a spreading juniper (or juniper like) shrub at the base of a light pole (I've been informed it is not a flag pole -- my digi pic only showed the bottom of the pole and my memory failed me.) The numerous rocks protruding from the ground look like tousled tombstones. In the horseshoe opening of the shrub, just to the left under the branches, is a piece of board resting on a special package. There are picnic tables here where you can rest and stamp in.

I wish I could guide you to some of the web sites showing pictures of this park in its hey day --- but hopefully they will be some of the sites you use to unravel its mystery location.

Please contact me if you are the First Finder (certificate) or the box is damaged or vaporized. PostMystress [at] Yahoo [dot] com

Bring stamp pad or colored pens (pink & gray) and learn more about why the Banking Commerce 10 cent stamp issued in NYC Oct 6, 1975 is so relevant to the Golden Triangle a short 10 min. walk from this park.