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Great Girl Scout Adventures LbNA #69313

Plant date:Oct 18, 2015
Location: Prospect Park
Planted by:Great GS Adventures
Found by: Southpaw/Jynx
Last found:Oct 7, 2023
Last edited:Nov 13, 2015
1) Start at the Juniper Trail on the right
2) As you walk, you will see a fallen tree on the right
3) When you see a big tree in the center of the trail, go around the tree on the right
4) Continue past the big fallen log on the left
5) Go right past the tree stump in the middle of the trail
6) Take a right onto the paved path
7) Look for the tree on the left that looks like the letter "R"
8) At the Girl Scout bench on the left, sit down, and look over your left shoulder. You will see a pile of branches. The letterbox is under that pile. Look closely for a box that is blue and you will see a treasure box that was hidden just for you!

Hike length: 1 mile