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The Tribe Has Spoken LbNA #69026

Plant date:Aug 21, 2015
Location: Ponderosa Park, Water Street
Planted by:The Rabid Hares
Found by: Red /Blue Cruz-sader
Last found:Aug 23, 2015
Last edited:Aug 21, 2015
This box has a Survivor theme in honor of one of our sons who loves the show. The park is older, but very peaceful.

Travel to Ponderosa Park in Dillsburg, PA. Next to the picnic shelter, there is a horseshoe pit. Stand in the middle of the horseshoe pit, and look at the line of trees directly in front of you. Move five trees forward to the very skinny one. Look for a "double" tree to your right and move to that one. From there, continue three trees forward to the tree with a "naked" branch and a "stub" branch. Looking at the stub branch, turn to your left and walk four trees forward. Look for a bench and a tree that looks like a bench. The arm of the tree that looks like a bench points toward four corners. Visit the four corners and by one of the corners is a rock. Under the rock is what you seek.

Hope you have fun!