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Missing E's LbNA #67869 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Oct 4, 2014
Location: Monument Park
City:Fort Recovery
Planted by:da Tribe
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Oct 4, 2014
Missing E’s
Fort REcovEry MonumEnt Park
The park is locatEd at the cornEr of OH-49 and OH-119.
SEE if you can find thE missing E’s….
Brief History Explanation: A long time ago, two battlEs took placE in Fort REcovEry. Lots of soldiErs diEd in both battlEs.
LatEr in 1851, aftEr somE boys playing along thE Wabash RivEr found many bonEs that had bEEn buriEd, thE towns pEoplE rEalizEd thE bonEs wErE from thE soldiErs killEd in thE battlEs.
A propEr burial followEd in PionEEr CEmEtEry with 13 big woodEn caskEts and a small onE containing thE bonEs of thE fallEn soldiErs. ThEsE bonEs wErE latEr intErrEd undEr thE Fort REcovEry MonumEnt.
ThE monumEnt was built in 1912 and dEdicatEd on July 1, 1913. ThE obElisk stands at 101', 4" tall. It wEighs approximatEly 800 tons and cost $23,700 to build. UndErnEath thE basE of thE monumEnt arE thE rEmains of thosE pEoplE killEd undEr thE commands of Arthur St. Clair and Anthony WaynE. Four bronzE plaquEs surround thE basE of thE monumEnt. ThErE arE also 32 mEdallions surrounding thE basE of thE monumEnt, Each inscribEd with thE namE of a soldiEr killEd in battlE hErE. MistakEnly, two namEs of officErs wErE misspEllEd and arE missing E’s. Both namEs happEn to bE on thE samE mEdallion. LEt’s sEE if you can find thE missing E’s!
Letterbox Clues: EntEr thE park from thE wEst archway whErE thE frontErsman grEEts you….
As you approach thE bronzE plaquE on thE mEmorial basE, noticE how thE frontiErsman is looking to thE wEst “to blazE thE way for frEEdom and civilization.”
ContinuE clockwisE around thE basE of thE monumEnt to thE “Roll of thE DEad” plaquE. ThE
hEart of thE mattEr writtEn on this plaquE is truE….but thE misspEllEd namEs missing thE E’s occur bEforE thE End of thE vEry first linE! Now onward to find thosE missing E’s!
ProcEEd to circlE thE monumEnt until you comE to a cornEr mEdallion surroundEd by LEmon Briggs on onE sidE and ButlEr on thE othEr cornEr. You just found thE hEart of our problEm…thE two namEs missing E’s. But whErE arE thE E’s? LEt’s continuE looking.
StEp outsidE of thE mEmorial circlE pathway for a momEnt to look at thE small Civil War MEmorial also in this park. Try looking on thE north sidE of thE park for this markEr (rEmEmbEr thE NorthErn YankEEs won this war!) Stand dirEctly in front of this rock mEmorial, thEn turn 90D to thE right (you should now bE facing south). Straight ahEad you’ll sEE thE largEst trEE in thE park. You should havE guEssEd long ago…thErE arE two EE’s in TREE! Start sEarching! KEEp your hEad hEld high and rEach to find thE E’s lEttErbox!

Each MEmorial Day wEEkEnd, over 900 crossEs arE placEd in MonumEnt Park in rEmEmbrancE of thE fallEn soldiErs. OfficErs “ __ E __ __ __ and __ __ __ __ __ E” will not bE forgottEn by you!