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Noble Woman LbNA #66143 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Oct 28, 2013
Location: Byron Cemetery
Planted by:1cent stamper
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Oct 27, 2015
Finding the Byron cemetery: From Saginaw Rd in downtown Byron MI turn east on Hamilton St. and continue straight to Byron cemetery. This is an interesting place, so park near the Historical Sign and read it. Look east to the Ellen May Tower monument. It is a life-size replication of Ellen May. Go there & read about her - what a Noble Woman!! From Ellen May, walk east down the drive and turn right at the first drive. Find McQueens large tree and see "North to South" Richard Tubman's burial plot. Walk back the way you came & continue down the drive, further into the cemetery. Stop and pay your respects to "The Unknown" from the Civil War. Ahead, notice that there is NO DUMPING ALLOWED. While standing between these, look away from the dead to the living water ahead. Walk 21 steps to the cement rectangle on the hill ahead of you. Search under the larger cement piece to your left to find Ellen May Tower, the Noble Woman.
For a great spot to log in, sit by Martha D.'s large pine tree - she will give you a hand.
Please be respectful of the area as always in cemeteries, and drop me a note on the condition of the Noble Woman.