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The Grave of Jacob Aman LbNA #65695

Plant date:Sep 2, 2013
Location: Aman Park
City:Grand Rapids/Standale
Found by: Megalina
Last found:Nov 3, 2018
Last edited:Jun 28, 2023
Note: We were notified in June 2023 that this box is geotrashed. Will update here when it is replaced.

Jacob Aman was a hermit who lived out the last 25 years of his life in what is now Aman Park. He was a bit strange, preferring not to have visitors and despising his children. However, he did do one good thing- he bequeathed his land to the city of Grand Rapids for a park that today bears his name. According to his wishes, Jacob Aman was buried in Aman Park on June 11, 1928, under a heavy stone. This letterbox takes you on the out-of-the-way hike to his woodland monument- The Grave of Aman.

First, from the parking lot of Aman Park, go to the trailhead for “A-Yellow”. Follow this trail through the mature forest of Maple, Beech, and Sassafras trees. Along the way, take time to admire wildflowers (in season) and the small wonders of nature that fill this shady walk. Eventually, you will reach a small junction of trails. Follow the most insignificant of them- the yellow trail. Soon, you will see an old and crooked sign proclaiming “Aman’s Grave”. Yikes! Follow it, then read the plaque on the rock that Jacob Aman lies beneath. As this is a tomb, please be respectful. Now, without moving from the spot where you read the plaque, look almost straight up along a line of giant logs. Follow this chain to the very end. Beneath the log the log chain is resting on, you will find the box. Please make sure to rehide it carefully when you are finished!