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Fun in the Sun LbNA #65507

Plant date:Aug 14, 2013
Location: Raymond E. Spencer Recreational Park
Planted by:2 broz
Found by: shooz
Last found:Oct 21, 2018
Last edited:Aug 14, 2013
Our Grandparents live in Greenbush, MI located between Oscoda and Harisville, MI. That's where your journey begins. You will want to locate the Raymond E. Spencer Recreational Park. The park is located on Ridley road just past the rail road tracks.Find the Nature trail and walk to the ( clearly marked ) Poplar tree on your right. Then turn around and walk 12 paces back to the large split tree on your left. Walk through the split tree towards the fallen birch tree. Then turn around to find a five stemmed tree. In the center is what you seek. :)