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The Great Summer Camp 2012 LbNA #62975

Plant date:Aug 29, 2012
Location: Seahurst beach
Planted by:North Nature Trail
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Aug 29, 2012
1. Start at the bathroom and head North toward the playground. Walk along the brick pathway.

2. At the 9th light pole turn right and head up the North Nature Trail. You will notice a fallen tree stump at the beginning of the trail.

3. Head up the trail and cross over the bridge and up the stairs.

4. At the 2nd bridge you come across there will be a marked tree to your right it will give the year 1718 on it.

5. Take 14 steps and look right for the next tree with carvings on it. Look around the base and inside the tree and you should find The Great Summer Camp's Letterbox!!

Have Fun and Goodluck!!!!!!!