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Raymond Park LbNA #62498

Plant date:Jun 19, 2012
Location: Keys Hill Road
State:New Hampshire
Planted by:Terri
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Jun 19, 2012
Girl Scout Letterbox

Traveling North on Mammoth Road in Pelham go left at the yellow light onto Keys Hill Road. Go .2 miles. Raymond Park is on your left. Park in the lot. You should see a red building with a porch facing south and the soccer field.
Stand on the porch with the 3 windows. Face south. Go down the steps. Turn ¼ turn right. You will see an obstacle course on the right side of the building, in the woods.
Have fun… go across the monkey bars, walk the balance beam. Stand with your back at the V of the beam. Looking straight ahead you will see a climbing wall. Use your best teamwork to get all your members over (or just go around). Continue on the path. Complete the tire footwork. Swing on the rope swing. You are back at the building. Go left to the opposite side. You will see a wooden ramp to the building. Walk up the ramp to the railing. Scrunch down and reach under. The letterbox is under this corner on top of the rocks. Or go around and reach under.
Please re-hide carefully. This is a heavy traffic place, so please be secretive.