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Urban Decay: a Sign of the times LbNA #62380 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Jul 3, 2012
Location: 111 W Valley Blvd, San Gabriel, CA
City:San Gabriel
County:Los Angeles
Found by: Creeping Death
Last found:Nov 16, 2012
Last edited:Jul 3, 2012
During a period of economic downturn in the country, a successful business or two have been closed permanently due to corporate downsizing and other unforeseen circumstances. One such business is part of the Norms Restaurant chain which began in Los Angeles in 1949. They are known to be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week for breakfast, lunch, dinner and in between. Founded by Norm Roybark, a Los Angeles native, the restaurant is still owned and operated by the Roybark family.

Locate the fenced and closed off Norms Restaurant located a 111 W. Valley Blvd in San Gabriel. This location has been closed since August of 2008. You can easily find parking on the Manley side street.

Walk to the northwest corner of the lot where a chain link fence meets a short block wall. Reach between the two and under some grass for the letterbox you seek.

As always please try to return the box to where you found it and replace the grass alive and intact, back over the box. I'm listing this as a limited time box as I am hopeful that things will turn around and this location will once again be home to a thriving business.