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Plant date:Oct 26, 2010
State:New York
Planted by:Genesee Country Museum
Found by: celtic hound
Last found:Oct 29, 2010
Last edited:Oct 26, 2010

Clue # 1
Find the wooden bridge behind the Nature Center and begin your journey by heading northwest toward the habitat of the three “B’s”. Here’s a hint – they are all insect lovers, two for food and one by its very nature.

Clue #2
Follow the trail in either direction until you reach a sign with yellow lettering that means the outer boundary. Follow this trail past black raspberry bushes and parallel the stone wall until the trail makes a T.

Clue #3
On your right is a man made home of a small common song bird, if you head this direction along the trail you will soon reach another fork. The next clue will direct you which path to take.

Clue #4
In the spring and early summer follow the trail that has the most May apples growing along the left side of the trail and in the fall and winter take the trail to the southeast of the large rock. You’ll know you’ve chosen the correct path if you pass a large basswood tree on your left.

Clue #5
At the next fork in the trail take the high ground also called the Onondaga Escarpment. Continue up the “hill of till” until you enter the forest and reach yet another T in the trail.

Clue #6
From the sign follow the trail to the right. Pass through the opening in the old stone wall and a knobby looking tree. This is a great place to look for fossils but please don’t take any souvenirs. Continue on the trail past the leeks and may apples until you find a place to sit.

Clue #7
After you’ve had a rest on the bench follow the arrow down the hill but be careful as loose glacial till can make things a little tough. At the bottom of the hill you’ll pass through another stone wall. Continue your journey as the trail twists and turns over exposed bedrock.

Clue #8
Cross the wooden bridge and meander your way through the oak opening where you’ll find a boulder with a hole big enough for swimming (if you’re a mosquito larva).

Clue #9
In the meadow a green arrow will point you in the right direction. Continue on the Geology trail (green blazes) as you enter back into the deciduous forest. How old is that fallen oak tree and how can you tell?

Clue #10
Have a seat on the bench if you need a rest otherwise persist along the valley floor and feel free to learn about the geological history of this area along the way.

Clue #11
When you start to rise in elevation you’ll want to look for a North-South running stone wall. Across the trail from this wall is a large boulder that is sometimes called skull rock. Stand at its base facing downhill and walk about 12 paces. Stop and turn right. Under a rock ledge is a pile of unusual rocks and the letterbox.

Clue #12
Once you have re-hidden the letterbox simply continue on the trail a little further and you’ll soon be back to where you started.