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Da Yooper Raha LbNA #55355

Plant date:Aug 27, 2010
Found by: TJ_Mich
Last found:Aug 22, 2014
Last edited:Aug 27, 2010
Soze I hear doze Trolls (or Apple Knockers or Flatlanders, dey all da same) from da mitten (or Greater Michigan) went camping in Yooperland, eh? After dey drove der car down US-2 hitting doze sail rabbits, they were pre'ner Brevoort Lake Recreation Area. Soze dey drive into da campground entrance. Lets take dat Ridge Trail, they was tinking. Yah, heh! Dat trail looks alsright, ya know. Soze those Lopers from Overseas, after gorging on our pasties and fudge, trudged up, eh, and saw da blue diamond at two peeling indian trees. Huffing up, dey seen da concrete bunker. Wha! Youse guys tired yet? After fightin off doze skeeters and noseeums, they continued along the hemlocks on da ridge, following dat trail to anoder blue diamond. Dey almost tripped on da sheared stump in the da trail. Holywha! Dat stump is followed by a leaning tree! Up dey went. Right turn, then up ta ten. Did dey take ten or anoder diamond? Dey like doze diamonds, so dey went down, down, down. At a slight rise up, dey had a choice at da lakeview. So we Yoopers helped dem out. Here's what we said: Da opposite of da opposite of left is indeed da incorrect path. Down dey went and saw some double diamonds. Doze Lopers are so smart, dey took out dere compass and read 150 degrees. Dey took 7 steps and discovered our raha wedged deep within da heart of doze birches. Maybe dose Fudgies will use dat raha to purchase some more of our pasties (and its pronounced PASS-TEES...not PAST-EEZ...doze are somein our women wear.)

If you're a true Yooper, you'll understand the language. This box is not made for hitchhikers. Please seal logbook in box first and put stamp image side up to lid before sealing the box. It will be a very tight fit, but please seal tightly.