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Grand Haven annual 2009 LbNA #49526

Plant date:Jul 14, 2009
City:Grand Haven
Planted by:STL Cards Fan
Found by: Copper Island Makerspace
Last found:Aug 28, 2011
Last edited:Jul 14, 2009

Goto to Grand Haven Michigan and Enter Duncan Park, from the perspective of drivibg into the park you’ll find painted stump at far end left corner between dead tree follow that path

Go to the top of the hill make a right on the path follow the path u know you’re on the rite path when u c a manhole on the rite hand side continue to the top of the hill out of the 4 paths take 2nd path on right and down the hill continue strait make a left as u c and opening of light u can run up to the top of the hill and can be distracted by the playground continue down same path u know you’re on the rite path when u see a large pine tree that has many, many, many limbs on your right MAN DOWN!

As you continue down the path you will know you are on track when you see a tree scared by the words MOTOCROSS 7-7-77 and proof that Patrick and Julie do not love each other any more

At the fork in the road keep right BB + LB on your left you will see a cemetery on your right youll c a dead tree broken about 8 feet tall and lean over all the way to the ground its inside the trunk of that tree that the prize you are searching for can be discovered.

Use the tree to climb up to your treasure. Be careful!!