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The ledge LbNA #43017 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Aug 20, 2008
State:New Hampshire
Found by: FelixPezGirl
Last found:Jul 31, 2016
Last edited:Aug 20, 2008
From exit 20 off Route 93 about 4-5 miles. Go past McDonald's and Burger King, continue on and take the first right. Take a second right onto Fiske Road. Then you'll come to 4 intersections. Go straight, go past the pond and take the next right to the Kiosk and parking area. Walk to the road,look left, walk to the telephone pole on left side of the road. Cross the road and take 16 steps to the ledge. Take another 4 steps from road, lean down and see an opening under a large flat topped oblong rock and there you should see the letterbox.