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Green Dog Pathway LbNA #40819

Owner:Jax is a Dog Scout! Contact
Plant date:Jun 2, 2008
Found by: Showshoe Turkey
Last found:Dec 16, 2023
Last edited:Jun 2, 2008
This is another Doggy hide - hidden at one of our favorite hiking places!

**** This is a geocache/letterbox hybrid. WOOF!

This box is all GREEN! If at all possible, trade green items :) Jax likes being a Green Dog - we always leave less than we came in with! A good Dog Scout's motto when hiking is "take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but paw prints."

The Mud Lake State Forest Campground hosts the trail head of this one-mile loop of the Green Pine Pathway hiking trail. It's a beautiful little drive back off a main road to get to the campground. Be forewarned: this is a very minimal trail in a natural setting. Parts of the trail are very narrow - sometimes the Dog Scout has to follow behind in a single file line. Other parts of the trail are widened out. Make sure to stay aware of the BLUE BLAZES that mark the hiking trail. Mosquito repellent is a MUST! :) Be sure to bring your own ink pad, too.

The Boy Scouts have done some informational plaques along the trail, describing various habitats and natural features of this area. They are also working on improving parts of the trail. One other thing to be watchful for is the intersection of the connector trail that goes to the 2.5 and 5 mile loops near M-115. Be sure to print a map of the Pathway.

Info on the Green Pine Pathway can be found at:

A map of the trail can be found at:

The Clues:

Jax and I love to hike, and this is one of our favorite spots! After a nice drive out to Mud Lake State Forest Campground and a doggy rest stop, we always lock the car, just to be safe. Jax always brings the Dog Scout essentials in his backpack: first aid kit, knife, compass, water and water bowl, an extra leash, and a few other things.

After looking at the map, we cross the bridge and take the "path less traveled." The trail is narrow, but widens out later so Jax can walk beside me.

We always watch for markers on the trail. There are the blue blazes that mark the hiking trail, and plaques that the Boy Scouts put up to teach about the area. We pass "Turkey Habitat," "Paper Birch," and "Fallen Tree Habitat" in some order. We are careful not to lose the path through the open areas. Parts of the trail go through areas called wild turkey food plots. The trail narrows again after the food plots.

After a big blue blaze, Jax and I like to rest for a minute. We have a drink of water from our packs, as we're nearly half way through our walk. There are nice soft-needled pine trees and young saplings where we rest, and some old rotten stumps. We usually rest here in the shade instead of further down the trail in a clearing.

Jax and I hid our green stash under one of the soft pines. It's a good hiding spot! The tree is about 30" off the trail, to the right. The ammo box is hidden behind the tree and covered with a few pieces of wood. We're always careful when checking on our stash to not break branches or leave too much of a trace :)

Hope you can find our stash!!! Be sure to trade stamps. We made the one in the cache/box especially for Green Dog Pathway. Have fun!! WOOF!

You can also find this stash as a geocache at Search waypoint GC1D5KC.