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East of Eden LbNA #40444 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:May 25, 2008
Planted by:sky
Found by: twofreetimers
Last found:Jun 5, 2009
Last edited:May 25, 2008

The Story. John Steinbeck's updating of Cain vs. Abel, war vs. peace, evil vs. good and guilt vs. freedom from guilt. Set mainly in a farming community the novel tells of the disintegration of a family from the time of the War Between the States through WWI.

Awards. Steinbeck won a Pulitzer Prize for Fiction as well as the Nobel Prize for Literature. The 1955 movie won the Best Supporting Actress Award by Jo Van Fleet and nominations for James Dean for Best Actor, Director for Elia Kazan and Screenplay for Paul Osborn. The 1981 TV mini-series received two Emmy Awards. Furthermore, the book is on Oprah's List!

The Letterbox. Eden is location two and a half miles east and one mile north of Jasper at 11th St. and 60th Ave. Or from the intersection of Highway 75 and the Rock/Pipestone county line road (#1 or 12), proceed west for five miles and one mile north. East of the church you'll see two clumps of lilacs. Consider the 3rd tree south of the southern clump. In a hole on its east side several feet off the ground resides the letterbox.