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Trestles LbNA #3812 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Apr 20, 2003
City:San Clemente
Planted by:Elyse
Found by: campingfans
Last found:Aug 29, 2006
Last edited:Apr 20, 2003
Distance: Approximately 2.0 miles round trip.
Difficulty: Easy walk down a paved walking path
Season: All year
Exit the I-5 freeway at the Cristianitos Road off ramp. Parking is on the east side of the freeway. You will then need to walk back across the freeway to enter the walking path which is on the west side of the freeway. Walk south down the path until you reach a sign that reads "San Onofre State Beach, Trestles Beach and San Mateo Creek Nature Preserve". Walk west following the old paved road going towards the ocean. At the end of the road pass under the trestle and go onto the beach. Walk north on the beach. After walking a short distance, look up on the dirt bank which is now on the east side of the railroad tracks. On this dirt bank is a cement brick retaining wall. In the middle of this retaining wall, you will see a drain pipe coming out of the wall. Walk straight towards the boulders in front of the drainage pipe. You will still be on the west side of the railroad tracks. You should spot a man-made hole in one of the large boulders. The "Trestles Letter Box" is hidden in a crevice to the left and bottom of a large flat boudler to the left of the boulder with the man-made hole. The leter box is approximately 4 feet up the boulder pile. You must climb on the boulders to find it. Enjoy the surroundings, the beach, the sun and the surf. If you look up and to the left of the cement wall, you will see a landscaped area with tall palm tress which is the old site of the "Richard Nixon Western White House".