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Woman in Black LbNA #37780

Owner:Pink Panther
Plant date:Mar 25, 2007
Found by: Jarl Of The Howling Fjord
Last found:Feb 26, 2016
Last edited:Mar 25, 2007
Woman in Black

Of that woman in black, she's a mystery
She's everything a woman should be
Woman in black, she's got a hold on me
She's in control, she won't set me free

Why was she here? She wondered as she headed to the abandoned area of her childhood days.

She actually did know why she was back in Pennsylvania.

They old man finally did it. For years he cried “Wolf”. I’m not going to make it through the week; he would moan. Mom would tell her to come home, she was needed. After the first fifty episodes she would ignore the calls, sometimes let her answering machine listen to the woes. He always managed to have a miraculous recovery and be fine every time.

This time the old bastard had done it. She booked a red-eyed flight and came home for the funeral. After the ceremonies and needed niceties she booked her flight home to sunny California. The state that she now considered her new home and rebirth.

But she had to stop just one more place before heading back to her new life. Although she had been there for years, she always thought of it as “new”.

Debbie pulled her car off the road into the unmarked parking area. The road use to lead to the day use area where she had spent much of her youth. She made her way down the tarmac that was mostly overgrown as nature reclaimed it’s own.

She continued down the macadam and saw the pavilion. It looked like it was ready to collapse. She stopped and listened to the flowing water and took a deep breath. She closed her eyes and could almost hear the voices of the people that visited and picnicked there when she was growing up.

Had it been that long?

She headed upstream past the pavilion daydreaming as she hiked and reminisced. She glanced to her right and marveled that the bridge was still there. She crossed the bridge and climbed the stairs carefully to the beech tree and ran her fingers slowly around the carved letters.

Kevin and Donna.

It had been a long time.

She walked a little further and saw were Arianna had made her debut in July of ’95.

She and Allen had been friends and loved to hike the upper trail. That day, she recalled, Kevin and Donna were hiking the lower trail and being all mushy. Something about dairies and forever. Kids!

The summers had been so care-free! When they were not splashing in the water or rowing to nowhere, they were off hiking on the trails of these beautiful woods. Her legs almost ached with the memory. She carefully made her way up to the old upper trail. It was barely visibly but she continued on as if something was drawing her forward. She passed a stone wall and continued on-upward and onwards. Happy that she had not lost her sense of adventure after all these years.

She glanced to the right and watched as the pines sighed in the wind up on the hill. The trail was starting to be difficult to follow. She looked down and spied the bridge, almost impassable now, that Kev and Donna had followed. She walked on to the wall that seemed to be holding back the mountains from tumbling into the stream and found a rock to rest upon next to the wall and a small tree.

The small tree on her left and a conveniently placed rock gave her much need respite from the sun as she looked down upon the creek. The tree also had seen better times. Part of the tree had fallen on the “trail” and the rest looked weary of gripping the hillside. The view of the creek from here was awesome. She looked down again at the remnants of an era gone by and the escape of Donna and Kevin to a life unknown as they scrambled across the bridge. She hoped that whoever loved Trish at 100*, still did and TS had found love as well. Why does everyone seem the need to carve a perfectly beautiful beech with their initials?

As the silence surrounded her she understood that she had found what she was looking for in life.

She looked up and gasped…


She awoke with a start. She tucked her dreams under the weary tree and headed to her home and what she had been looking for in life.

1.References are used with permission.
2.BYOI. Black with a dash of red is recommended
3.Off trail hiking is involved. Please be considerate of the flora and fauna.
4.Read the Waiver stuff!