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School Daze: History LbNA #36579 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Nov 8, 2007
Found by: perfect pair
Last found:Jun 30, 2011
Last edited:Nov 8, 2007
School Daze
HISTORY: airplanes

This letterbox Is the first of what will be an 8 part series. Each box will focus on a different subject from school, using clues that utilize that subject. Make sure and find the answers to these clues before heading out to Ferndale, MI for HISTORY.
Begin your quest in Ferndale, MI in one of their many parks. To find the name of this park solve the clue below:
PARK NAME: In 1896 in Virginia, Langley’s Aerodrome No.5 made one of the first unpiloted flights. Due to the added weight, the airplane needed to leave off an important part forcing it to crash into the water.
This part was the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Take the last word and add a Y. This is the last name of the person that park is named after.
START POINT: On September 17, 1908 Thomas Selfridge was the first ever victim of a tragedy of this kind. ___________ Along the parameter of the park is a memorial for this same type of tragedy that happened during a war in which the B-24 Bomber would have flown. Park your car and start your journey here.
WALK TOWARDS: The first time a woman was every a airplane passenger was in 1908. Her name was Therese Peltier. How many feet was her flight? __________. Find a sign close by that has this number on it.
NEXT PASS: Wilbur Wright lived from April 16 , 1867 – May 30, 19_ _. You will next pass a structure with this many posts holding up the roof.
CONTIUE PAST: Had things been different it might not have been the Wright brothers that invented the airplane. In fact until a sporting accident, Wilbur was a strong and enthusiastic athlete. What sport was he playing when this accident occurred? _____________________. Pass this sport on your right as you continue towards your goal.
PASS THROUGH: You will next pass through a large field, not quite big enough to fly airplanes out of. Continue all the way across to the flag pole.
FIND: This park memorializes several different wars that the united states has been involved in. It also memorializes a recent tragedy involving airplanes. Find the green sign that indicates this.
SEEK OUT: Near by is a memorial rock that as a picture of the state that houses the Air Zoo.
SIT: on the bench near by
LOOK: In 2001 a plane crashed in Michigan on its way from Chicago. It was carrying a whole family that survived. What did it crash into? In front of you is one of them. Head North and pass how many more? Get that number from the next puzzle.
NUMBER: Lift is one of how many forces of flight? ________
ARRIVE AT: During WWI, there was one special animal that was used to carry messages back and forth. In front of you should be something that this animal would have loved greatly.
FROM THERE: Look north again and see the first (thing that the Plan in Michigan crashed into). It will be surrounded by a ring of what? Read the next clue to find out.
THE RING: In the 17th century in Turkey a scientist named Lagari Hasan Celebi impressed the Ottoman Emperor’s daughter by launching himself in what? _ _ _ _ _ _. Knock off the last two letters and there is the ring you are looking for.
YOUR GOAL: It is hidden under one in the ring. You are looking for one with how many sides? ________. The sound barrier was broken in what year? 19__7
Next to this on its right is one with how many sides? ______________ . What year did the Montgolfier Brothers construct the first lighter-than-air vehicle. 178__. (that is their fist public demonstration of their great feat).
TAKE A LOOK UNDERNEITH. Of special note when logging into this logbook please note your favorite aspect of history (anytime any place) that you love to read and/or study. In the logbook you’ll find one of mine!

Remember this is a high traffic area surrounded by houses and people please be discrete and rehide well.