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Wacky Wildlife Trail - Cheswick Park LbNA #35525

Plant date:Jun 8, 2006
Planted by:mcinbushes
Found by: Princess Dierdre (2)
Last found:Oct 14, 2007
Last edited:Jun 8, 2006
Stand with your back to the parking area, turn right along path
Past Lifecourse sign - count the monkey bars
Cross bridge
See the torture rack on your right
If the monkey bars were an even number, go right. If odd number, go left
Past the tree on the left, tall, in a Y-shape
Cross bridge. Turn right onto gravel path
Find old fallen tree on right side of path
Keep going straight, see up ahead an orange mark on a tree
Stand between the two trees
Look right to see an ugly tree stump
Walk around it to find the first of the wild critters
Back to the path, turn right - pass the next torture rack to your left
V-shape tree on your right. Follow path till it curves
Past exercise bars on left, you will see wooden steps to your right
Turn right, face single oak on dirt path
See V-shape trees to its left and its right
Keep walking and see YET ANOTHER V-shape tree
Turn right on path just after next Oak. Look right and see an old stump - the final box will be there