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Mt. Dumplin Letterbox LbNA #35382

Owner:"cu-TEA" Contact Inactive
Plant date:Sep 22, 2007
Planted by:Dosido Contact Inactive
Found by: PeterW
Last found:Nov 23, 2014
Last edited:Sep 22, 2007
The letterbox you seek is located on top of Mt. Dumplin in Palmer, Massachusetts. There are fantastic views from the lookout very near this box.

The walk roundtrip is about 1.2 miles, and is moderately strenuous. To find the trailhead, follow Mt. Dumplin road, and park across from telephone pole #45.

From the parking spot, head up the well worn trail, and through the pines. Once through the pines, the trail heads back into the woods, and you resume your ascent of Mt. Dumplin.

You will arrive at a junction, turn left, and continue to climb the saddle to the top of Mt. Dumplin. Once at the top you will see a small firepit with a large rock, often painted with some graffiti.

From this rock, look almost due west - there is a double trunk tree which is the direction you will head for 70 feet. The letterbox will be at your feet right next to the large boulder, covered by a flat rock. Please rehide well, as the area is frequented by visitors often!

Note that this letterbox is also listed as a geocache site on

Update 6/21/08 - new location due to last one being destroyed. Logbook and stamp have been replaced!